Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Agile Epics and Stories

I’ve been working on a project recently that is using the agile methodology. The users were having a bit of trouble grasping the differences between Epics and User Stories. Just to recap all an Epic is, is a big story. It’s is something that will have to be broken down into many stories before it is even close to development.

Below is a diagram i came up with to illustrate that there is no magic size on when a story should become an epic and that this is ok. it’s different project by project.

Better Late Than Never

OK. I have always been a huge consumer of blogs and other forms of unstructured content. I never considered myself a hoarder of knowledge and have always shared with colleagues and friends. I have been meaning for a while though to come around to  share back to the community all the useless knowledge i have acquired over time.

So a bit of background on myself.
Professionally im a SharePoint Consultant living in Sydney, Australia.
Socially i enjoy getting as far away from a PC whenever i get a chance. Preferably really fast on a motorcycle.